Home Remedy Mosquito Bite Itch Relief

Know before you go!

Whether you are going to the park, traveling, or just sitting on your porch, we have a motto, “know before you go”!

When leaving home, most people have a mental if not written checklist of what they will need. Money, ID, car keys, glasses, hat, etc. Rarely on that list do you see mosquito repellent or mosquito bite relief remedies. Being prepared will help limit your exposure and minimize the stress and time involved when dealing with mosquito bites.

Regardless of how prepared you are, or how many mosquitoes are around, we normally will end up with at least one mosquito bite. When this happens we have one goal, to stop mosquito bites from itching!

Why do Mosquito Bites Swell?

Before we jump into stopping the itch, quick information about the mosquito bite.

Mosquitoes feed on nectar and water. Only the females will bite. They need the protein and Iron in our blood to reproduce. In order to get the blood they have a proboscis. This is a long tubular mouthpart that allows them to pierce our skin so they can feed on our blood.

Our skin is made up roughly of 5% blood vessels. When a mosquito comes for blood, she has to find it. She inserts the proboscis into our skin then cuts through tissue until she finds it. When she finds blood, she will secrete saliva into the skin. The saliva contains an anticoagulant to keep the blood flowing. Most people are allergic to the proteins in the saliva. To fight the saliva our bodies release histamine. This is what cause a wheal or bump to form on our skin with the accompanying itch.

Why Mosquitoes Choose You

Mosquitoes use carbon dioxide and scents we emit to choose where they will search for their next blood meal. They usually cause small bumps or welts that irritate and itch but normally don’t cause and serious issues. In some cases there could be more serious reactions if they happen to carry and transmit diseases. If there is ever any question regarding symptoms, reactions or health, you should contact a qualified health care professional or doctor.

List of 12 effective remedies

To help you fight the itch we’ve compiled 12 effective remedies. These treatments range from prescription to natural home remedies. If you are scratching due to being bitten by a mosquito, take a look at our list and find one or more solutions to stop the itch.


Mosquito and bug bites, can cause swelling, irritation and itching. One solution is to use ice. This will reduce inflammation and numb the skin. The cold tightens the vessels under your skin which reduces the flow of blood. This minimizes swelling. The cold also interrupts the pain signal to the body which lessens the pain. You are making your body feel cold instead of pain.

How to use: You can use an ice pack, frozen bag of vegetables or I put ice cubes in a ziplock bag fold it over and put into another ziplock folded side in first and make sure the air is out then put inside a washcloth. If you put ice directly on the bite, be sure not more than 5 minutes as you can damage your skin. A little longer, around 15 minutes wrapped in a clean cloth.

Hydrocortisone Cream

Hydrocortisone cream is available over-the-counter or in a prescription strength. It’s a steroid lotion that soothes skin irritation and itching. It can be used on Mosquito and other bug bites and other skin conditions. If the over-the-counter cream is not lessening the itch talk to your doctor to get a stronger prescription version.

How to use: To fight itchy mosquito bites with hydrocortisone cream apply a small amount on the bite up to twice a day, just enough to cover the site. Follow directions on the label for frequency and when to reapply. Hydrocortisone can have side effects, so try not to use too much. Again if you have any questions be sure to talk to a healthcare professional or doctor.

Lavender Essential Oil

If you prefer to use natural remedies instead of medications for your mosquito bites, then essential oils may work for you. Lavender smells amazing and is soothing to your skin. To Quote Dr. Melanie St. Ours from Readers Digest “renowned for its relaxing fragrance and ability to soothe inflammatory skin conditions including minor burns, wounds, and acne, lavender essential oil can help reduce itching and inflammation within minutes of application.”

How to use: Place one or two drops on the bite and reapply as needed. Make sure to look at the ingredient list on your essential oil bottle to ensure it doesn’t contain any surprise ingredients. I will include the link here where Tanya and I purchase our oils, which are 100% oil except for mixed blends as indicated. Test a small area to confirm you do not have a contact allergy to the essential oil ingredients. If you experience any redness or irritation from the lavender essential oil stop using and contact your doctor.

Echinacea Tincture

Another natural remedy for itchy mosquito and bug bites, is echinacea tincture. It is a homemade treatment that has been used for quite a long time. The liquid extra that comes from the echinacea plant has been used to treat the common cold, sore throats, and manage infections. Using a bit of the echinacea tincture on a mosquito or bug bite will reduce the swelling and redness to help heal the bite faster.

How to use: Apply the tincture liberally by patting it into your skin with your fingertips, using at least ¼-teaspoons per application. If you don’t see results after 24 hours or you develop a fever or any other issues, you should call your doctor.


Do you have an itchy mosquito bite, grab a tube of toothpaste that contains menthol. It sounds strange, however the menthol will soothe and cool the mosquito bite, again cool and cold is better than the itch any day!

How to use: If you have sensitive skin only use a small amount of toothpaste and test it on a spot on your skin. If you develop any irritation or redness then you know that toothpaste isn’t right for you. However, if all goes well then apply a thin layer over your mosquito bites to relieve the itch and soothe your skin.


People have been using vinegar for all sorts of purposes over the years, we have used it to clean and in recipes, and now you can add itchy mosquito bites to the list. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant so it makes a good remedy for mosquito bites that can become irritated and infected with scratching. It may not smell the greatest but vinegar can soothe and keep germs away.

How to use: For your mosquito bites you have two options. The first is to place a few drops of vinegar directly onto your mosquito bite. If you have so many bites that applying directly will take forever then you may want to try adding 2 cups of vinegar to a lukewarm bath. You can relax in the vinegar bath for 15- to 20-minutes. Avoid using hot water it may make the bites itchier.


Whenever I am researching a topic for the best and most affordable solutions, without fail I will come across something that my wife has either tried or continues to use. Oatmeal being one such solution. It certainly isn’t just for breakfast anymore. It turns out oatmeal can be a great home remedy for itchy mosquito bites. According to my wife Tanya, oatmeal can relieve the itching, reduce swelling, and soothe the skin, and can be used to treat not only mosquito and bug bites but stings also.

How to use: Make a paste. Place the oatmeal into a bowl and add water until you have a thick, paste-like substance. You can put that directly onto your skin or use a washcloth to apply it. Another option is to make an oatmeal bath. Put about 1-cup of oatmeal into your lukewarm bath and let your body soak in the relief. We found that it works better if you put the oatmeal in a blender or we use the Ninja IQ. the paste goes on better and it mixes better in the bath. Whole oatmeal sinks to the bottom of the bath and becomes more annoying than helpful. Head over to the pantry and give it a try.

Aloe Vera

Another remedy for mosquito bites is aloe vera. I have known my wife for about 25 years now and she always has Aloe vera plants growing. Many times through the years I remember running out to grab a piece for everything from burns, sunburns, cuts to mosquito and bug bites. The aloe vera gel (mucilage), has antibacterial properties, as well as having an anti-inflammatory effects.

How to use: aloe vera, just take a healthy looking leaf off of the plant. Cut it open and scoop out the gel-like pulp inside. You can place that directly onto your mosquito bite. The aloe vera should feel cooling and minimize the itching sensation of the bite.


While home remedies for itchy mosquito bites can be very effective, sometimes you just need medication to get the job done. The itch that comes from a mosquito bite is caused by a histamine reaction. The body senses the bite and kicks up the immune system to fight the invaders. This causes the redness, swelling, and itching. One way to fight this is to take an oral antihistamine medication like diphenhydramine (Benadryl).

The antihistamine will reduce your symptoms that develop because of the mosquito bite and make you more comfortable. But antihistamines can bring along some undesired side effects like sleepiness. There are multiple antihistamines on the market and we can’t tell you which one is best for you, only your doctor can do that. So talk to your doctor before you start a new medication to make sure it’s right for you.

Calamine Lotion

Calamine lotion is an over-the-counter topical pink cream that many people have sitting in their medicine cabinet. It’s pretty easy to find at most pharmacies and can be used for all sorts of skin irritations caused by poison ivy, poison oak, and even mosquito bites.

How to use: Apply a small amount of calamine lotion to the bite several times throughout the day. You can keep applying until the itch is gone. However, if your mosquito bite is causing bigger issues then talk to your doctor because different treatment may be necessary.

Baking Soda

What’s one item that almost everyone has in their kitchen, baking soda. This kitchen staple is used in baking recipes, to combat the smell of your fridge, and as it turns out to fight itchy mosquito bites. The sodium bicarbonate, which is what makes up baking soda, can give you some relief from your bites and reduce irritation.

How to use: Pour a bit into a bowl and add a small amount of water to make a paste. Put the paste onto your bites and let the baking soda do its job to soothe your skin. If you find that it is causing any skin irritation or more redness remove it immediately.

Basil Leaves

Basil. It’s good in pesto, on caprese salad, and a beautiful garnish. But it also contains “menthol and camphor compounds, which create a cooling sensation that helps eliminate the itch. So if you have this plant growing in your backyard or you can pick it up at your local grocery store then you are in luck with another treatment for mosquito bites.

How to use: Like many of the other treatments, you are going to make a paste with the basil. Put the basil into a small bowl and crush it and add a small amount of water if necessary. Place the paste onto your mosquito bite and cover it with a small towel to keep it on your skin. You should feel relief from the bite and might even develop an urge to eat Italian food for dinner.

In Conclusion

Luckily there are quite a few options available to address the itching that normally comes with mosquito bites. As with any medication, remedy or solution, we need to be vigilant and always try a small amount to be sure you don’t have any adverse reaction. If you have any questions regarding the use of any products always check with a qualified health care professional or doctor. The best remedy is always prevention, KNOW BEFORE YOU GO! If you will be traveling make sure you have a couple of your go to remedies for itch relief already put together just in case. Know what type of climate, time of the year and what the mosquito population is like before you get there. Have the right clothes, repellent and itch remedy at the ready.

Do you need information on Repellent?

4 thoughts on “Home Remedy Mosquito Bite Itch Relief”

  1. Do you know of any ready made balm or ointment that stops the itch , something handy that you could carry around say in your back pocket while hiking or bike riding ?

    • I do know of a relief balm that is small enough to carry and does a great job with stopping the itch. I will include it in the post for you to click on. Thank you for the reply and Have a great day.

  2. I wasn’t aware of any bite remedies past calamine lotion. In a pinch the toothpaste with menthol will come in handy. I think most have that on hand at any given time.


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