Why are we Here?

As a child, growing up I can remember at different points of my life having feelings like I had forgotten something, when I had not, or feeling like I should be doing something else, but not knowing what. It was not until High school when asked what I wanted to do regarding a profession, that I realized the earlier feelings in my life came from my inner self knowing that I am here for a reason. How do we find our reason? Why are we here?

So how many people do you think at some time in their life have asked themselves when no one is around, why am I even here? Especially when we feel down or depressed. Nothing seems to go right and we then demand to know why we are here. The reason we ask is that deep inside we all have the answers to our own questions, we just don’t wait around long enough to listen for the answers, and to start with we are seldom asking the right questions.

What do you like? What makes you happy? The person who finds something they are passionate about and finds a way to get paid for doing it, never has to work a day in their life. We are all called to greatness, but only as individually defined.

What do I want? What will make me happy? I want to make a difference in the world. I want to help people, I want to know that when I am gone, what I was able to do while I was here will always live on. Every time we help 1 person we create a thread in the web of humanity that lives on. It just cannot be tracked, nor should it be. How to make a big impact, on a global scale.  I believe educating people so we know the facts will enable us to make educated decisions that ultimately affect the planet and everyone living on it.

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